This video covers the process of making a site map for a website.

With the OpenOffice application open on your screen, make a new drawing.

Once the new file is open, select the rectangle tool on the bottom toolbar.

Draw a box that represents a page on your site.

Copy this box and paste it three times to represent three other pages.

Add text to each box that includes the title and the file name for each page.

Now use the connector tool to link the Products, Contact, and Ordering boxes to the Homepage box.

Now you will copy the Products box to create three additional product pages.

Now edit the text in each of these three new boxes to reflect a different page title and file name.

Use the connector tool to link each of these three product sub-pages to the main Products page.

Now copy and paste one of the boxes already on the screen to create a box for one final page.

Move the pasted box to a different location, and modify its text.

Use the connector tool to link the Special Offer page with the Homepage.

Depending on the box's position, you may need to move it to make the linkages more clear.

Now, save this site map to your Module 3 folder using the recommended file name.

Lastly, export your site map as a GIF.

This concludes the process of making a site map for Task 3B.