This video will show you the process for creating new pages from a template in Dreamweaver.

A template has been created to help ensure that all pages within this website have a consistent style and layout. We'll make a few new pages using this template.

Let's start by making a new file. Click File > New.

Select Page from Template...

The template you created, called 3ColumnTemplate, should be listed in the center list. Select this template and click Create.

The new file is open and showing with content from the template. Let's save this file.

We'll save this file as index.html. This page will serve as the home and news page for the website. If you are asked to overwrite the existing index.html, click Yes.

Next, create another new HTML page from the same template.

Save this second new file as sports.html.

Create a third new HTML page from the same template, and save it as editorial.html.

Next, we'll return to the open template file, which you see here as the left-most tab in Dreamweaver, and set up the navigation bar links.

Select the text "News" in the navigation bar, and then right-click and select Make Link.

In the Select File dialog that appears, select the index.html file. This will mean that whenever a user wants to see the latest headlines on this website, they'll be taken right to the home page to find that information.

Now select the Sports text in the navigation bar, and link it to the sports.html file you created.

Lastly, link the Editorial text to the editorial.html file you made.

At this point, save the template.

An Update Template Files dialog appears, asking you if you wish to update other files with your template changes. Click Yes.

You have successfully created new pages from a template in Dreamweaver.