Embedding a video in Dreamweaver.

In the index page, in Design View...

...click into the left column.

Type “Welcome to Pet Pal, the area's first site dedicated to dog walking and pet sitting.”

Let’s embed a video in the right hand column.

Open your browser using the Start menu, and type www.teachertube.com.

Here you would search for content related to your site. We have selected a video on pet adoption, so we’ll go to that video now.

Scroll down to the field containing the embed code.

Right-click and copy this code.

Close or minimize your browser window.

Return to the index page, code view, and click inside the <div> tags of the right column.

Right-click and select Paste.

This code embeds the video player on your webpage.

Take a look at the video in Live view.

Select File > Save All.

Now preview your embedded video in a browser window.

You’ve now embedded a video in a webpage.